Monday, February 22, 2010


A surprising post for those of you that know Steven and I don't watch a lot of movies...but, we do want to rent movies every know and then. Since there's a redbox on just about any corner now, we decided that would work well for us. We like that you can rent from one location and return to any other redbox location! Naturally I went looking for FREEBIES and there are plenty to be had!

How can you rent FREE movies?? Try some of these steps:

1. Visit redbox and create an account. Once there, you can sign up to receive a FREE code via text message.

2. Click HERE and enter your email address. You'll receive a FREE code in your inbox.

3. Visit this blog...when I know a code, I'll be sure to post it. If you know a code, I'd be happy to share it here:)

4. You can also search the web for promotional codes. I found this one: v7j6d4v at one of my favorite blogs, ingoodcents. Thanks Beth! If you haven't been here, she's sharing some wonderful deals!!

A couple things to remember about the promo codes:
~ They don't work if you reserve your movie online, only when you "rent" directly at the redbox location.
~ The promo code will work once per credit, if you have more than one credit/debit card then that would mean more than one use of the code=More Free Movies!
~Be sure to pay attention to expiration dates and locations. Some codes are only good at Walgreen's, McDonald's etc.
~ Be sure to select "Rent with promo code". Even though you will still need a credit card, it is only charged if you don't return the movie by the stated time. Remember the promo codes are for ONE NIGHT per movie (unless otherwise stated)!

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